1:1 Breakthroughs For Life, Business, and Leadership

Life Coaching

The shift experience

A 7 week online course to receive spiritual guidance to transform your life and manifest your dreams. This experience contains 21 video lessons filled with purpose-driven insights and inner healing work that candidly goes deeper into the topics in The Shift book. This course shares specific strategies that will help bring more clarity and guidance in your life and equip you with courage and direction to bring your dreams to life and gain more fulfillment in the process.

Business Coaching

Business Success University

Business Success University is my business course centered on spiritual strategy for business success. I teach entrepreneurs how to do business God’s way through 9 major categories of your business model with proven tactics and results that you can apply to your own business in real-time. The course is rooted in Deuteronomy 8:18 which says “Remember the Lord your God for it is He who gives you the power to produce wealth and it confirms His covenant that He swore to your ancestors as it is today.”

Leadership Coaching

The shift Leadership Academy

Are you ready to rise and lead in your sphere of influence? This is a critical time in our society when new leadership is necessary to bring change in this world. We are starting a 12-week virtual leadership academy for those ready to lead in the areas of Business, Education, Government, Church, Arts & Entertainment, Family, Media, and Technology. 

Start your spiritual journey and fulfill your divine assignment in society